Expanding the padding of the selected item to create more breathing room

Upon examining the following:


Let's say you select 9 at the bottom. The display shows 8 9 10. My intention is to create some additional space on either side of 9, or any other active item for that matter. This way, for instance, the right half of 8 and the left half of 10 will be visible?

#sync1 .synced .item {
  margin-left: 50px;
  margin-right: 50px;

Answer №1

I attempted a solution by mimicking the method of adding the class 'synced' to '#sync2', but this time I applied it to '#sync1'.

var current = this.currentItem;

Furthermore, I included a margin to the synced element.

#sync1 .synced{margin:0 10px 0 10px;}

You can view the demonstration on this fiddle.

Answer №2

I just implemented the active class to designate the active owl-item within the #sync1 using this simple block of js.


To provide some extra space around the active item, I utilized the following snippet of css.

#sync1 .active {
    margin:0 50px;

#sync1 .owl-wrapper {
    margin-left: -50px;


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