Expanding rows in Angular UI-Grid: Enhancing user experience with hover functionality

Struggling to add a hover effect to the rows in an Angular UI grid. The goal is for the entire row to change background color when hovered over, but with an expandable grid that includes a row header, applying CSS rules only affects either the row header or data area, not both.

Check out the hover effect on the row header here:

And see how other columns are affected by the hover effect here:

If you've found a solution to this issue, please share!

Answer №1

Here's the approach I took:

In order to enhance the right section of the table, I integrated the following code into the cell template:

<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" 
     ng-class="{ 'ui-grid-cell-hover': (grid.appScope.hoverRow == row.uid) }"
     ng-mouseenter="grid.appScope.hoverRow = row.uid"
     ng-mouseleave="grid.appScope.hoverRow = undefined">

To address the left side, I made adjustments to the expandableRowHeader template (which is stored in the template cache as it's not externally accessible):

<div class="ui-grid-row-header-cell ui-grid-expandable-buttons-cell">
    <div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"
         ng-class="{'ui-grid-cell-hover': (grid.appScope.hoverRow == row.uid)}"
         ng-mouseenter="grid.appScope.hoverRow = row.uid"
         ng-mouseleave="grid.appScope.hoverRow = undefined">

I'm not entirely satisfied with this solution. For one, modifying a third-party component isn't ideal. Additionally, there's a noticeable delay in the hover responsiveness: the color change takes about half a second.

If anyone has a more effective solution, feel free to share it here.

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