Expanding min-content CSS Grid cell based on neighboring cells

I am working with a CSS grid that consists of two columns and five rows, but the layout changes when the display is above 768px. The first four rows are set to "min-content", while the last row is set to auto. I have defined template grid areas for each cell, except for one area (a6) that covers the 3rd to 5th row in the second column.


Everything works fine when there is little or no content in the a6 area. However, when more content is added to a6, the height of a5 and a7 expand even though their content remains unchanged.


    body {
      height: 100vh;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;

    .maingrid {
      height: 100%;
      padding-left: 15px;
      padding-right: 15px;
      background-color: red;
      display: grid;
      grid-template-rows: min-content min-content min-content min-content min-content min-content min-content auto;
      grid-template-areas: 'a1' 'a2' 'a3' 'a4' 'a5' 'a6' 'a7' 'a8';
      grid-row-gap: .2em;

    @media only screen and (min-width:768px) {
      .maingrid {
        grid-template-columns: 9fr 3fr;
        grid-template-rows: min-content min-content min-content min-content auto;
        grid-template-areas: 'a1 a2' 'a3 a4' 'a5 a6' 'a7 a6' 'a8 a6';
        background-color: darkcyan;

    .maingrid div {
      background-color: black;

    .a1 {
      grid-area: a1;
      background-color: pink !important;

    .a2 {
      grid-area: a2;
      background-color: aliceblue !important;

    .a3 {
      grid-area: a3;
      background-color: aqua !important;

    .a5 {
      grid-area: a4;
      background-color: blue !important;

    .a4 {
      grid-area: a5;
      background-color: brown !important;

    .a6 {
      grid-area: a6;
      background-color: burlywood !important;

    .a7 {
      grid-area: a7;
      background-color: chartreuse !important;

    .a8 {
      grid-area: a8;
      background-color: darkorange !important;


<main class="maingrid">
  <div class="a1">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a2">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a3">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a4">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a5">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a6">
    at<br />at<br />
  <div class="a7">BLAH</div>
  <div class="a8">
    <button type="button" onclick="BreakTheGrid();">click me :(</button>

JS (just to get the toggle button to work):

var isBroken = false;

function BreakTheGrid() {
  if (!isBroken) {
    $('.a6').html("the<br/>left<br />columns<br />have<br />expanded<br />boo!<br />");
  } else {
  isBroken = isBroken == false;

If you want to see the issue in action, check out this JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/up6afdj4/. Feel free to click the button in a8 to toggle the content of a6 and observe the issue.

This is my first time working with CSS grid, so I may have made some mistakes. Any help would be appreciated!

Answer №1

When you set auto for the fifth row, containing the grid area a6, it activates the Grid's auto stretch algorithm. This algorithm reallocates any extra space among the rows covered by that grid area (refer to sections §11.5, §11.5.1, and §11.8).


If you change from auto to 1fr, the last row will now consume all the available free space, pushing the rows above towards the top.


See the updated demonstration here

To better understand how auto distributes space, check out my responses in these threads:

  • Eliminating wide gaps in CSS Grid layouts
  • How to collapse unused rows in a CSS grid?

(Visual aids courtesy of Firefox DevTools Grid Inspector.)

Answer №2

By replacing auto with 1fr in the grid-template-rows, it effectively resolves the issue at hand.

Although I'm uncertain of the exact reasoning behind this solution, if anyone could provide a clearer explanation, they will receive the accepted answer from me :)

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