Expanding and Shrinking Text Areas with Jquery

I am looking to create a textarea that comes preloaded with content. The height of the textarea should adjust to auto when there is content present, but switch to a height of 4.2rem when it is empty. Additionally, I want the textarea to dynamically increase and decrease in height as text is entered, with a maximum height of 7.7rem using jQuery.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

.textAreaGrow {
  padding: 1.8rem 0 .8rem;
  height: 4.2rem;
  max-height: 7.7rem;
<textarea class="textAreaGrow">Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs.</textarea>

Answer №1

To dynamically adjust the height of a textarea based on user input, you can set the height to the scrollHeight of the element whenever text is added to the textarea.

An additional if statement can be included to check if the textarea is empty. If it is empty, the height can be set to its default height.

$(document).ready(function() {
  let txtArea = $('.textAreaGrow');
  txtArea.on('input', updateHeight);

  function updateHeight() {
    let t = txtArea;
    if (t.val().trim() == "") {
      t.css('height', '4.2em');
    } else {
      t.css('height', '0.1px');
      t.css('height', t[0].scrollHeight);
.textAreaGrow {
  height: 4.2rem;
  max-height: 7.7rem;
  width: 100%;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<textarea class="textAreaGrow">Preloaded text

With newlines too??</textarea>

Answer №2

In certain scenarios, it might be beneficial to opt for a different HTML element instead of the textarea. You could use an element with the attribute contenteditable to have more control over the styles. However, this approach may not provide all the functionalities of a form element like textarea. The choice between the two would ultimately depend on the intended purpose of the element.

.textAreaGrow {
  border: thin gray solid;
  padding: 1.8rem 0 .8rem;
  width: 20em;
  min-height: 4.2rem;
  max-height: 7.7rem;
  overflow: scroll;
<div class="textAreaGrow" contenteditable>
  Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic, or web designs.

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