Expanded MUI collapsible table squeezed into a single cell

I'm experimenting with using the MUI table along with Collapse to expand and collapse rows. However, I've noticed that when utilizing collapse, the expanded rows get squished into one cell. How can I adjust the alignment of the cells within the parent table?

 export default function App() {
  const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);

  return (
          <TableCell />
          <TableCell>Header 1</TableCell>
          <TableCell>Header 2</TableCell>
          <TableCell>Header 3</TableCell>
          <TableCell>Header 4</TableCell>
          <TableCell onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)}>Expand</TableCell>
        <Collapse in={expanded} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
            <TableCell />

By removing the Collapse feature, the table displays in the correct format. e.g. current state is:

The desired result post-expansion would look like this:

Answer №1

My method for achieving this is as follows:

          <TableCell padding="checkbox"/>
          <TableCell>Area name</TableCell>
          <TableCell padding="checkbox">
              onClick={() => setOpen(prev => !prev)}
              {open ? <KeyboardArrowUpIcon/> : <KeyboardArrowDownIcon/>}
          <TableCell component="th">Paris</TableCell>
        <TableRow sx={{ visibility: open ? 'visible' : 'collapse' }}>
          <TableCell padding="checkbox"/>
          <TableCell component="th">1st arrondissement</TableCell>

The key to making a TableRow collapsible is using

sx={{ visibility: open ? 'visible' : 'collapse' }}

Answer №2

The main issue here is that the <Collapse /> component is being used as a div, which cannot be wrapped around table rows. To resolve this, you should create a separate table within the Collapse element and ensure that the cells are aligned to maintain uniform size.

For a demonstration, check out this Codesandbox example.

Answer №3

I made some adjustments to the previous solution so that each row can now expand or collapse upon clicking.

import {
} from '@mui/material'
import { useState } from 'react'

export default function App() {
  const Row = () => {
    const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false)

    return (
              <TableCell onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)}>Expand</TableCell>
              <TableCell colSpan={4}></TableCell>
        <Collapse in={expanded} timeout='auto' unmountOnExit>

  return (
            <TableCell>Header 1</TableCell>
            <TableCell>Header 2</TableCell>
            <TableCell>Header 3</TableCell>
            <TableCell>Header 4</TableCell>
        .map(item => (
          <Row />

Check out the Codesandbox demo here

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