Expand Bootstrap accordion on hover

I have tried several examples that I discovered on Google and Stack Overflow, but none of them seem to work. So, I decided to attempt a different solution for opening the Bootstrap accordion on hover, however, it is not working as expected. Do you have any suggestions?


<nav class="nav">
<li><a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-trigger="hover" data-parent="#submenu" href="#one">SHOW</a></li>

<div id="one" class="collapse">
<div class="accordion-inner">


$('#submenu').collapse({ trigger: "hover" })



Answer №1

Give this solution a try

  $( ".accordion-toggle" ).mouseover(function(){
    $( ".accordion-toggle" ).trigger( "click" );
    // To avoid triggering click event on all accordion items, use the code below
    // $(this).trigger("click");

View the implementation here

Answer №2

Seems like a somewhat unconventional method to achieve this...


Implementing the desired action using the existing event trigger

$('.nav a').mouseover(function(){
    $( this ).click();
$('.nav a').mouseout(function(){
    $( this ).click();

Answer №3

Check out this solution

$('.accordion-toggle').on('mouseover', function(){

View demo on jsFiddle

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