Exiting the modal/popup box is currently disabled

I am struggling to figure out why the modal box/pop up is not closing when I click 'x'. It seems completely unresponsive.

Check out the JavaScript code below:

var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
var kitetwo = document.getElementById("poptexttwo");
var closebtn = document.getElementById("close");

function seltst() {
  var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
  var closebtn = document.getElementById("close");
  kite.style.display = 'block';
  setTimeout(el, 2000);
  kite.style.width = "500px";

function el() {
  kite.style.display = 'block';

function closepop() {
  kite.style.display = "none";

Take a look at the HTML code as well:

  <input readonly type="text" value="a random value" id="tbox" onselect="seltst()">
<div id="poptextcont">
  <div id="poptext">
    <span id="close" onclick="closepop()">&times;</span>
    <p id="poptexttwo">
      lots of text about stuff<a href="aboutus.html">Contact us</a> more text!

Please provide answers using only pure JavaScript.

Answer №1

Upon closer inspection, an abundance of unnecessary code was identified. After a thorough cleanup process, the following streamlined version emerged:

Simply click to hide the poptext, and upon selection (highlighting), reveal the poptext.

Furthermore, ensure that your script is positioned just before the closing </body> tag. It should come after all other HTML elements. In my illustration, if you were to move the script above the p, it would cease to function properly. Why is this the case?

The issue arises because, during page load, the command

var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
is executed while the element has not yet loaded.

  <input readonly type="text" value="a random value" id="tbox" onselect="seltst()">
<div id="poptextcont">
  <div id="poptext">
    <span id="close" onclick="closepop()">&times;</span>
    <p id="poptexttwo">
      lots of text about stuff<a href="aboutus.html">Contact us</a> more text!
  var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");

  function seltst() {
    kite.style.display = 'block';
    kite.style.width = "500px";

  function closepop() {
    kite.style.display = "none";

Implementing this approach will yield success. By defining kite within the function, the element will be present when the function is invoked, ensuring seamless operation:

  function seltst() {
    var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
    kite.style.display = 'block';
    kite.style.width = "500px";

  function closepop() {
    var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
    kite.style.display = "none";
  <input readonly type="text" value="a random value" id="tbox" onselect="seltst()">
<div id="poptextcont">
  <div id="poptext">
    <span id="close" onclick="closepop()">&times;</span>
    <p id="poptexttwo">
      lots of text about stuff<a href="aboutus.html">Contact us</a> more text!

Answer №2

The kite variable is globally defined, but it is not available in the function you are attempting to use. This could be problematic since it appears to be declared before the document object model (DOM) has finished loading.

To resolve this issue, redeclare the kite variable within the closePop function.

function closepop() {
   var kite = document.getElementById("poptext");
   kite.style.display = "none";

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