Executing transitionend Using Jest for Unit Testing

I am currently utilizing angular 8 along with Jest for unit testing. My challenge lies in adding a listener for the 'transitionend' event on an element, and I'm struggling to find a way to simulate/mock this event using Jest.

this.animatedElement.nativeElement.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
      this.transitionEnded = true;

My objective is to write a unit test that validates this.transitionEnded as true

Answer №1

Here is a handy function you can use to trigger any event:

function fireCustomEvent(element) {
   let customEvent = document.createEvent("Event");
   customEvent.initEvent("customEvent", true, true);

Now, in your testing scenario, utilize this function as follows:

test("Provide a brief description here", () => {
    const box = document.getElementById("box");

Answer №2

I successfully found a solution that worked well for me

it('Verifying transitionEnded is set to true', () => {
    // Creating a custom 'transitionend' event
    const customEvent = new Event('transitionend');
    const appComponentInstance = TestBed.createComponent(AppComponent).componentInstance;

    // Invoking methodToAddListener function which adds an event listener to animatedElement
    // Dispatching the custom event on animatedElement


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