Executing Function Upon Clicking an Option in Datalist

I'm facing an issue with datalist in my VueJS search input. Why isn't my function getData(), which is triggered by both @click and @keypress.enter, being called when I select an option from the datalist using mouse or enter key?

Below is the code snippet:


            placeholder="Find more data..."
          <br />
          <datalist id="data">
              <option v-for="r in repos.items" 
                      @keypress.enter="getData(r.id)"  />


 methods: {
    getAllDatas() {
        .then(res => res.json())
          res => {
            this.data = res
    async getData() {
       await this.fetchData();

I'm puzzled as to what might be causing this problem. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

The <datalist> element does not come with its own set of events, so you will need to utilize the <input> element instead. The input's keydown listener will be triggered by both mouse clicks and keyboard actions.

  placeholder="Search for more data..."

If this event handling setup doesn't suit your needs, consider using a <select> element or creating a custom control instead.

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