Execute the script repeatedly

(Since Stack snippet is temporarily down, I included a jsfiddle link): Visit this link for the code

I've been struggling to get this script to work. Here's the simple Javascript code I have:

$(document).ready(function() {
  setInterval(function() {
  }, 7000);
:root {
  --msg-content-height: 26.75em;
  --msg-spacing: 1em;
  --msg1-height: 5.5em;
  --msg2-height: 4em;
  --msg3-height: 2.5em;
  --msg4-height: 2.5em;
  --msg5-height: 4em;
  --msg6-height: 3.25em;

/* CSS Animation Styles */

.msg-send {
  /* styles here */

.msg-receive {
  /* styles here */

.msg-container {
  /* styles here */

.msg-content {
  height: var(--msg-content-height);

/*Keyframes for Animations*/

@keyframes msg1 {
  /* keyframe animation details */

@keyframes msg2 {
  /* keyframe animation details */

/* Repeat keyframes for msg3 to msg6 */

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="msg-container pv4 ph4 br3 center bg-white shadow-6">
  <div class="msg-content w-100 relative">
    <div id="msg1" class="msg-receive dib mb4 bg-message br4 pv2 ph3 white measure-narrow">Message #1</div>
    <div id="msg2" class="msg-send dib mb4 bg-near-white br4 pv2 ph3 mid-gray measure-narrow">Message #2 </div>
    <div id="msg3" class="msg-receive dib mb4 bg-message br4 pv2 ph3 white measure-narrow">Message #3</div>


The script almost works perfectly, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to hide the messages once they reach the designated height specified by --msg-content-height. Is there a way to make the messages loop continuously and disappear once they reach the top?

Answer №1

If you wait for the animation to finish before removing each message, you can easily delete them one by one. This technique is particularly useful in demonstrations where a delay between messages is desired for better presentation. You may need to fine-tune the keyframe percentages if necessary.

$('#msg1, #msg2, #msg3').on('animationend', function () {
#msg1 {
  animation-name: msg1;

#msg2 {
  animation-name: msg2;
  animation-delay: 1s;

#msg3 {
  animation-name: msg3;
  animation-delay: 2s;

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