Execute a function when the media attribute of a CSS link is modified

Looking to dynamically adjust the media attribute of a CSS link tag and execute a function after the new styles are applied.

Here's how my CSS stylesheet link tag looks:

<link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print">

In my JavaScript code, I aim to switch the media attribute from print to all, and then trigger a function once the updated styles take effect on my page.

The current approach involves checking and updating as follows:

if (myCSSlink.getAttribute("media") === "print") {
                myCSSlink.setAttribute("media", "all");
                myCSSlink.onload = () => {
                    //perform necessary tasks


I'm assuming that when the media attribute is modified, the CSS will reload. However, my code within the arrow function doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. What could be a better way to handle this situation?

Answer №1

To accomplish both tasks of changing the media attribute and executing a custom onload function, you can assign an onload handler to handle both actions.

function setMediaAndExecuteFunction(link) {
    link.setAttribute('media', 'all');
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" onload="setMediaAndExecuteFunction(this);">

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