exciting, showcasing a dependency map using svg within an html5 environment

I am working on creating a polygon background for my menu, which needs to be responsive in design. Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve: example image.

Should I use JavaScript to listen for size changes and adjust the points for the polygon element, or is there a cleaner CSS implementation available? I will be using Bootstrap, and the menu should align about 50px to the left and right of the main container.

<div style="width: 1138px; height: 555px">
    <img src="example-picture1.jpg"

<svg width="1300" height="200" id="main_menue_svg">
    <polygon id="main_menue_polygon" points="0,0 33,33 0,66 1244,66 1211,33 1244,0 0,0"
    style="fill:rgb(51, 76, 25);stroke:rgb(51, 76, 25);stroke-width:0;fill-rule:evenodd;" />

Answer №1

Utilize the bounding box to define the svg's width/height and viewBox settings. The illustration presented here incorporates a polygon shape, adjusting responsively to window size changes.



  <title>Adjust Polygon Size</title>

<svg style='position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;' >
    <polygon id="main_menue_polygon" points="0,0 33,33 0,66 1244,66 1211,33 1244,0 0,0"
    style="fill:rgb(51, 76, 25);stroke:rgb(51, 76, 25);stroke-width:0;fill-rule:evenodd;" />

//--onload, onresize----
function resizePolygon()
    var mySVG=document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]
    var svgW=window.innerWidth
    var svgH=window.innerHeight
    var bb=mySVG.getBBox()
    var bbx=bb.x//-300
    var bby=bb.y
    var bbw=bb.width
    var bbh=bb.height

        mySVG.setAttribute("viewBox",bbx+" "+bby+" "+bbw+" "+bbh )
resizePolygon(); //---initialize window---



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