Every single Wordpress page on the website has been found to contain two body tags

I've noticed a strange issue with all my WordPress sites hosted on the same server - they are displaying an extra body tag when viewed in a browser. Upon inspecting the source code, only one body tag is present, but when the page loads, there are two.

This problem seems to be affecting most of the sites I currently have hosted, and even a few that were fine this morning are now experiencing the same issue. I've tried viewing them in different browsers, both while logged into the admin panel and not, and the issue remains. It occurs on the main site as well as the admin backend.

Here's what I'm currently observing:

<script src="/google_analytics_auto.js"></script></head>
<body class=" customize-support"><body>

<div id="wrapper" style="opacity: 1;">
    <div id="header">

When examining the source code:

<script src='/google_analytics_auto.js'></script></head>

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="header">

If you Inspect Element on and then view the source, you'll see this issue. Additionally, viewing will show how this affects the layout compared to the default WordPress login page.

Answer №1

A curious case of file corruption was uncovered, suspected to be the result of a sneaky code injection. To fix the issue, all files on the server had to be downloaded locally for inspection. A particular string was identified at the end of the injected code:


The infection had spread to crucial files like headers, configuration settings, index pages, and functions scripts. Each infected file was meticulously cleaned up by removing the injected code before being re-saved. The sanitized files were then uploaded back to the server, effectively resolving the problem.

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