I have a scenario where there is an unordered list containing 1 to 3 items within it. Unfortunately, this list is situated inside a fixed-height div
with overflow: hidden
<div id="container">
<ul id="tweets">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Etiam est nisi, congue
id pulvinar eget.
Donec nisi dolor, molestie quis varius
a, dictum vel nunc. Morbi odio lorem,
viverra eu semper eu.
Mollis ac lorem. Aenean consequat
interdum mi, nec vestibulum metus mollis
non. Curabitur sed.
If the list contains exactly 3 items, the line-height must not exceed 1em to fit perfectly in the container. If less than three items are present, the line-height can be up to 1.5em to align with the overall site design.
I am attempting to use jQuery to dynamically adjust the line-height.
var tweet_len = $("#tweets > li").size();
if (tweet_len == 0) {
// append a message indicating no tweets available
// (this message resembles a tweet and has line-height: 1.5em)
} else if (tweet_len > 0 && tweet_len < 3) {
$("#tweets li").each(function(){
$(this).css("line-height: 1.5em");
I attempted to utilize the code above (lines 6-8) but encountered issues. (I suspect I lack a full grasp on how to use .each().)
Can you provide guidance on the correct code for lines 6-8 to update the line-height to 1.5em?