Error with Bootstrap Layout caused by the StringBuilder

After diving into Bootstrap, I encountered an issue with the layout generated by a VB.NET page using StringBuilder. The result was a disorganized mess:

Upon further inspection, it became evident that the problem extended to other sections of the page as well. It appears that Bootstrap struggles when dealing with items of varying sizes.

Below is the relevant code snippet:

sb.Append("<div class=""row""><div class=""col-md-12""><img src="""" /></div><!-- col-md-12--></div><!-- row -->")
sb.Append("<div class=""row thuumbnails"">")
If dr.HasRows Then
    Do While dr.Read
        sb.Append("<div class=""col-md-2"">")
        sb.Append("<div class=""img-thumbnail"">")
        sb.Append("<a href=""#"" class=""thumbnail""><img src="""" /></a><h4 class=""thumbnail caption"">" & dr.Item("PrdName") & "</h4>")
        sb.Append("<center>" & dr.Item("PrdCode") & "</center><br />")
        sb.Append("<center>Price: " & dr.Item("PrdPrice") & " MSRP: " & dr.Item("PrdMSRP") & "</center>")
        sb.Append("</div><!-- thumbnail --></div><!-- col-md-2 -->")


    sb.Append("</div><!-- row -->")

    ' No data returned so send a message to the front end
    sb.Append("<div class=""col-md-12""><div class=""warning"">There were no categories to display!</div><!-- col-md-12 --></div><!-- warning -->")
End If

All the CSS follows basic Bootstrap guidelines. Can anyone shed light on why this issue is occurring and suggest a solution? Thank you!

Answer №1

Dealing with a similar issue in the past, I found that re-uploading all files including JS, CSS, and HTML can help alleviate the problem. Additionally, ensure that it is hosted on a server as this has improved the functionality of my bootstrap.

Answer №2

After thorough research and experimentation, I have come to the realization that Bootstrap lacks a built-in solution for this particular issue. As a result, I have devised a Javascript workaround to address the problem effectively. This is the script I implemented:

       function ensureEqualHeight(group) {
           tallest = 0;
           group.each(function () {
               currentHeight = $(this).height();
               if (currentHeight > tallest) {
                   tallest = currentHeight;
           group.each(function () { $(this).height(tallest); });
       jQuery(document).ready(function () {

The code above functions by setting the max-height of all DIVs with the img-thumbnail class to match the height of the tallest DIV on the page.

Answer №3

Although this question may be outdated, here's a suggestion for those who encounter it later on:

htmlStr.Append("<li class='list-group-item'>"+ detail.Key + ": " + detail.Value + "</li>");

Use single quotes ' ' instead of double quotes " "

This solution worked perfectly for me.

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