Error message: Unrecognized command 'undefined' while trying to compile Sass using Sass.js within

Every time I attempt to compile Sass code using sass.js, I encounter

{line: 0, message: "Unknown command undefined"}
in the console.

<script src="dist/sass.js"></script>
  var sass = new Sass();
  var scss = '$someVar: 123px; .some-selector { width: $someVar; }';
  sass.compile(scss, function callback(result) {

The source of this error seems to be coming from sass.worker.js:

var method = methods[] || Sass[];

if (!method) {
  return done({
    line: 0,
    message: "Unknown command " + event.action,

method.apply(Sass, ( || []).concat([done]));

I haven't been able to find any similar cases of this issue, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Instead of using the compiled sass.worker from my dist folder, I mistakenly used the non-compiled version from src. Silly me! 😂

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