Error encountered in React JS: Anticipated input was "CALC", "dimension", "number", but received unexpected end of input. CompileError originates from undefined CSS selector

After completing my entire project, I encountered an error while running yarn build. The error message from Yarn is as follows:

Parse error on line 1: 
got unexpected end of input
CompileError: Begins at CSS selector undefined

error Command failed with exit code 1

Despite all my efforts, including creating a new react app and transferring all files over, the error remains unresolved. It's frustrating as I don't believe I made any mistakes in my project setup.

Answer №1

Recently, I encountered a similar issue and found a solution. The root cause of the problem was a typo in one of the .css files. In my case, I had mistakenly added "text-align: calc();" in the /src/App.css file that is generated when creating a new react-app. It seems like you might be facing a similar problem where a css function is being used without including an expression.

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