Equalizing the space between table headings and content

I am struggling with aligning the heading and entries in my table properly.


My goal is to ensure that the heading and entries are perfectly aligned with each other.

This is how my Table.jsx looks like:

<div className="home-trending">
      <h1 className="home-trending-heading"> CRYPTO TRENDING ON DEX</h1>
      <div className="cex-trending-data">
        <div className="dex-content-heading bold">
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Chain</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Token Amount (out)</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Token Amount (in)</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">TXN Value</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Wallet Type</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Time</p>
          <p className="cex-content-heading-item">Twitter</p>
        {topDEXTrades.slice(0, 10).map((trade) => {
          return (

And this is my Table.css styling:

.dex-content-heading {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

As for the Rows.jsx, here is a snippet of the code:

      <div className="cex-trending-row">
        <div className="cex-trending-row-name row-item">
          <p className="trending-symbol">{props.chain}</p>
        <p className="row-item bold">{millify(props.token_out)}</p>
        <p className="row-item bold">{millify(props.token_in)}</p>
        <p className="row-item bold">{millify(props.value)}</p>
        <p className="row-item" style={categoryStyle(props.category)}>
        <p className="row-item"> {props.timeToGo(props.time)}</p>
            style={{ textDecoration: "none", paddingRight: "25px" }}
              style={{ marginLeft: "10px" }}
      <hr className="horrizontal-line" />

Lastly, the Row.css contains the following styles:

.cex-trending-row {
  display: flex;
.row-item {
  flex: 1;

The issue I am facing is that the heading and rows are not aligned as desired. How can I ensure both are perfectly aligned? Is there a specific flex property that should be used to achieve equal spacing between items in both divs?

Answer №1

Check out this demonstration of utilizing grid in React.

const App = () => {
    const headingData = [
      "Title 3",
    const dataArr = [
      { chain: "curve", token: "4m", foo: "bar", lemon: "squeezy" },
      { chain: "bird", token: "5m", foo: "tar", lemon: "teasy" },
      { chain: "lard", token: "1m", foo: "guitar", lemon: "jeezy" },
      { chain: "hard", token: "20k", foo: "blar", lemon: "measly" },
      { chain: "charged", token: "ayyyy", foo: "mars", lemon: "⚰" },
    return (
        <div className="myGrid">
            headingData.map(str => <div key={"head-" + str}>{str}</div>)
            dataArr.map((o,i) => [
              <div key={"data-chain-"+i}>{o.chain}</div>,
              <div key={"data-token-"+i}>{o.token}</div>,
              <div key={"data-foo-"+i}>{o.foo}</div>,
              <div key={"data-lemon-"+i}>{o.lemon}</div>,

    <App />
.myGrid {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
<div id="root"></div>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react/18.1.0/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/react-dom/18.1.0/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>

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