Take a look at this CodePen example: https://codepen.io/ChrisVomRhein/pen/yzBwaZ
Upon clicking the button, a dialog containing a large amount of text opens. The following code snippet is responsible for positioning the dialog relative to the button:
$( "#dialog" ).dialog("option", "position", {
my: "right top",
at: "right top",
of: $(this)
This functionality works smoothly for the three buttons located at the top. jQuery ensures that the dialog remains within the visible screen area.
Even when interacting with the top left button, jQuery intelligently adjusts the dialog position to keep it on screen.
However, an issue arises when clicking on one of the bottom-positioned buttons. In this case, jQuery shifts the dialog upward, making it difficult to access the X-button for closing the dialog. In addition, there is no scrollbar displayed.
Is there a way to instruct jQuery UI to ensure that the X-button always remains within the accessible area of the browser window? Or could there be a fundamental aspect that I am overlooking?