Ensuring that jQuery(document).ready(function() contains the appropriate content

Recently, I've been attempting to integrate a javascript gallery into my WordPress site. However, I'm encountering some confusion regarding what needs to be included in the .ready(function) to successfully run the gallery. The original jQuery function page can be found here:

It seems like I need to execute a certain function that will trigger the entire javascript file, but I am unsure about which function specifically. Apologies for my lack of experience in this area, and thank you in advance for any assistance!

function malihu_gallery() {
if (!is_admin()) {

    // Enqueue Malihu Gallery JavaScript
    wp_register_script('malihu-jquery-image-gallery', get_template_directory_uri(). '/js/malihu-jquery-image-gallery.js', array('jquery'), 1.0, true );

    // Enqueue Malihu Gallery Stylesheet
    wp_register_style( 'malihu-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/CSS/malihu_gallery.css', 'all' );
    wp_enqueue_style('malihu-style' );

    function gallery_settings () { ?>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        jQuery(document).ready(function() {
            // What should I include here?

add_action('init', 'malihu_gallery');

Answer №1

Upon a quick examination of the code snippet provided, it seems that these specific variables should ideally be adjusted within this section:

//configuration settings
//define default image view mode
$defaultViewMode="full"; //options: full, normal, original
$tsMargin=30; //margin between first and last thumbnails for improved cursor interaction 
$scrollEasing=600; //smoothness level of scrolling (set to 0 for no easing) 
$scrollEasingType="easeOutCirc"; //type of scroll easing 
$thumbnailsContainerOpacity=0.8; //default opacity value for thumbnails area
$thumbnailsContainerMouseOutOpacity=0; //opacity of thumbnails area on mouse out
$thumbnailsOpacity=0.6; //default thumbnail opacity
$nextPrevBtnsInitState="show"; //initial state of next/previous image buttons (choose between "hide" or "show")
$keyboardNavigation="on"; //enable/disable keyboard navigation ("on" for enable, "off" for disable)

Please ensure that these variables have not already been defined in your '/js/malihu-jquery-image-gallery.js' file before making any adjustments.

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