Ensuring child divs maintain set proportions within parent div

I am looking to develop a jQuery/javascript function that dynamically populates a parent div with child divs of varying sizes, collectively taking up the size of the parent container.

For instance, envisioning 10 child divs filling a container div sized at 1200px x 600px

<div class="container">
   <!-- Insert 10 child divs here with unique dimensions. -->

Answer №1

A helpful approach is to use a function that divides a rectangle into two subrectangles, and then recursively splits those subrectangles.

  • When dividing a rectangle into two parts with an even number N of subrectangles, each part will have N/2 subrectangles.
  • If a rectangle is split into two parts with an odd number of leaf subrectangles, the larger part will have one more child than the smaller part.

function fillWithChilds(el, N) {
  function rand(n) {
    /* weight=100 means no random
       weight=0 means totally random  */
    var weight = 50;
    return Math.floor(weight*n/2+n*(100-weight)*Math.random())/100;
  function main(N, x, y, hei, wid) {
    if(N < 1) return;
    if(N === 1) {
      var child = document.createElement('div');
      child.className = 'child';
      child.style.left = x + 'px';
      child.style.top = y + 'px';
      child.style.width = wid + 'px';
      child.style.height = hei + 'px';
    var halfN = Math.floor(N/2);
    if(wid > hei) {
      var newWid = rand(wid);
      if(2*newWid > wid) halfN = N-halfN;
      main(halfN, x, y, hei, newWid);
      main(N-halfN, x+newWid, y, hei, wid-newWid);
    } else {
      var newHei = rand(hei);
      if(2*newHei > hei) halfN = N-halfN;
      main(halfN, x, y, newHei, wid);
      main(N-halfN, x, y+newHei, hei-newHei, wid);
  main(N, 0, 0, el.clientHeight, el.clientWidth);
fillWithChilds(document.getElementById('wrapper'), 11);
#wrapper {
  background: #ccf;
  position: relative;
  height: 300px;
  width: 400px
.child {
  background: #cfc;
  outline: 2px solid red;
  position: absolute;
<div id="wrapper"></div>

Answer №2

Finding a solution for distribution may be challenging. Perhaps there is a jQuery library that can assist with some aspects of it... I will investigate further. Despite the complexity, solving this problem is quite enjoyable.

Here is my current progress, although it is somewhat brief.


The section that calculates how many additional components need to be built is the tricky part. I am aiming to minimize the number of loops in this process:

var containerSize = getContainerSize();
var elementWidth = 0;
var elementHeight = 0;

// calculating width
while (elementWidth < containerSize.x)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;
    elementHeight += size.y;        
// adjusting height if necessary
while (elementHeight < containerSize.y)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;
    elementHeight += size.y; 

I have made some improvements. Please review the updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/twPQ7/2/

// determining container size
var containerSize = getContainerSize();
var elementWidth = 0;
var elementHeight = 0;

// generating elements iteratively until reaching container width
while (elementWidth < containerSize.x)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementWidth += size.x;

    // keeping track of the tallest element.
    if (size.y > elementHeight) elementHeight = size.y;
// generating elements iteratively until reaching container height
while (elementHeight < containerSize.y)
    var size = generateElement();
    elementHeight += size.y; 

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