Ensure that when adjusting the height of a div, the content is always pushed down without affecting the overall layout of the page

My webpage contains a div element positioned in the middle of the content, with its height being adjustable through JavaScript code.

I am seeking a way to manage the scrolling behavior when the height of the div changes. Specifically, I want the content to always be pushed downwards and never upwards.

Currently, the content moves either up or down based on the scroll position when the button is triggered.

Below is a basic example:

function toggle(ev) {
    const div = document.querySelector("div");
    if (div.style.height === "336px") {
      div.style.height = "147px";
    } else {
        div.style.height = "336px";
body {max-width: 60em; margin: auto;}
<p style="background-color: coral; height: 400px;"></p>
<div style="background-color:grey; height: 147px;"></div>
<button href="#" onclick="toggle()">toggle div size</button>
<p style="background-color: olive; height: 3000px;"></p>

To clarify, I am looking for a solution where the top paragraph remains fixed in its position when the div expands, regardless of the current button location on the window. This means that the bottom paragraph should adjust its position accordingly as well.

Answer №1

To prevent the button from causing the page to scroll when clicked, blur the element using e.target.blur() in the click handler before updating the content height. This way, the window will no longer consider the button as active and won't automatically keep it in view.

const handleClick = e => {

function adjustSize(ev) {
    const container = document.querySelector("div");
    if (container.style.height === "336px") {
      container.style.height = "147px";
    } else {
        container.style.height = "336px";

document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", adjustSize);
body {max-width: 60em; margin: auto;}
<p style="background-color: coral; height: 400px;"></p>
<div style="background-color:grey; height: 147px;"></div>
<button href="#">toggle div size</button>
<p style="background-color: olive; height: 3000px;"></p>

Answer №2

It seems like you are trying to automatically scroll to the bottom when adjusting the height.

function adjustHeight(ev) {
  const targetDiv = document.querySelector("div");
  if (targetDiv.style.height === "336px") {
    targetDiv.style.height = "147px";
  } else {
      targetDiv.style.height = "336px";
  targetDiv.scrollTop = targetDiv.scrollHeight

Answer №3

If you want to navigate to a specific element, you can achieve this by using the window.scrollTo function.

<!doctype html>

    body {max-width: 60em; margin: auto;}

function switchSize(event) {
    const targetDiv = document.querySelector("div");
    if (targetDiv.style.height === "336px") {
      targetDiv.style.height = "147px";
    } else {
        targetDiv.style.height = "336px";
    window.scrollTo(0, targetDiv.scrollHeight);

<p style="background-color: coral; height: 400px;"></p>
<div style="background-color:grey; height: 147px;"></div>
<button href="#" onclick="switchSize()">Adjust div size</button>
<p style="background-color: olive; height: 3000px;"></p>

Answer №4

When a button is clicked, the page ensures that the active element stays in view. This may cause the extra height to appear as though it is moving up or down depending on the button's position relative to the screen.

To make it seem like the page did not scroll up after the element expanded, we can simply scroll the page back to its original position before the expansion occurred. This creates the illusion of the height expanding downwards.

1. Store the current page's top position

var pagePosBeforeExpand = window.pageYOffset;

2. Scroll the page back to its original position if the div has been expanded:

// If we are increasing the height, scroll to the previous top...
window.scrollTo({ top: pagePosBeforeExpand });

It's important to note that this approach does not impact collapsing the height again. However, you can modify it accordingly for such scenarios - for instance, by executing the scroll code outside of the 'if' statement.

Illustrative Example:

function toggle(ev) {
    // 1. Save the current position of the top of the page
    var pagePosBeforeExpand = window.pageYOffset;

    const div = document.querySelector("div");
    if (div.style.height === "336px") {
      div.style.height = "147px";
    } else {
        div.style.height = "336px";
        // 2. Scroll the page back to the position it was before we changed the height
        window.scrollTo({ top: pagePosBeforeExpand })
body {max-width: 60em; margin: auto;}
<p style="background-color: coral; height: 400px;"></p>
<div style="background-color:grey; height: 147px;">Top of content</div>
<button href="#" onclick="toggle()">toggle div size</button>
<p style="background-color: olive; height: 3000px;"></p>

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