Ensure that the radio button is set to its default option when the user accesses the page

I have a model with a 'PartActionType' enum which includes Transfer, Harvest, and Dispose options.

    public enum PartActionType

On my view page, I am displaying these options using radio buttons like this:

 @foreach (var actionType in partActionTypes)
         @Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.Components[i].SelectedActionType, actionType)

I would like to set the default option to 'Transfer'. How can I achieve this?

After following David's suggestion, this is how it looks now:


Answer №1

It is recommended to set the default action type when initializing your view model instead of using multiple if-else statements in your view.

public ActionResult Index()
    var vm = new ItemViewModel
        ItemId = 123,
        ItemName = "Fake Item",
        Components = new List<ItemComponentViewModel>
            new ItemComponentViewModel
                ComponentId = 1,
                ComponentName = "Part 1",
                SelectedActionType = PartActionType.Transfer
            new ItemComponentViewModel
                ComponentId = 2,
                ComponentName = "Part 2",
                SelectedActionType = PartActionType.Transfer

    return View(vm);


Answer №2

Here is a simple solution

for each type of action in partActionTypes list
    if the actionType is Transfer
         @Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.Components[i].SelectedActionType, actionType, new {@checked="checked"})
         @Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.Components[i].SelectedActionType, actionType)

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