ensure that angular's ng-if directive sets aside space to display content when triggered by an event

I'm facing an issue with my modal form setup where if a text-field is left blank, a label saying "it is required" is generated below the field, causing the "Proceed" button to move (along with all other elements below it). How can I make sure that DOM reserves space for these labels while using ng-if in AngularJS?

Check out the visual representation of my question in the image linked belowhttps://i.sstatic.net/wqCgM.jpg

Here's the code snippet:

<div class="col-md-5">
    <input type="text" name="userFirstName" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.fn" id="reg-fname" class="form-control" tabindex="1" placeholder="First Name" autofocus required/> 
    <div class="error-help">
        <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userFirstName.$invalid && !customerDetailsForm.userFirstName.$pristine">First name is required</p>

    <input type="email" name="userEmailId" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.email" id="reg-email" class="form-control" tabindex="3"  placeholder="E-mail ID" required/>
    <div class="error-help">
        <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userEmailId.$error.required && !customerDetailsForm.userEmailId.$pristine">Email ID is required</p>
        <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userEmailId.$dirty && customerDetailsForm.userEmailId.$error.email" ng-hide="customerDetailsForm.userEmailId.$pristine">Email ID is invalid</p>
    <input type="text" name="userName" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.uname" id="reg-uname" class="form-control" tabindex="5"  placeholder="User Name" onkeyup="unameAvailability($(this).val())" required/>
    <span id="uname-check" style="opacity: 0;"><i class="fa"></i><i id="avail-message"></i></span>

<div class="col-md-5 col-md-offset-1">
    <input type="text" name="userLastName" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.ln" id="reg-lname" class="form-control"  tabindex="2" placeholder="Last Name" required/>
    <div class="error-help">
        <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userLastName.$invalid && !customerDetailsForm.userLastName.$pristine">Last name is required</p>
<input type="number" name="userPhoneNo" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.phone" id="reg-phone" class="form-control" tabindex="4" placeholder="Phone" required/>
<div class="error-help">
    <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$invalid && !customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$pristine">Phone number is required</p>

<input type="password" name="userPassword" ng-model="registerAppCtrl.registerAppDetails.user.pass" id="reg-pwd" class="form-control" tabindex="6" placeholder="Password" required/>
    <div class="error-help">
        <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userPassword.$invalid && !customerDetailsForm.userPassword.$pristine">Password is required</p>
<div class="col-md-12">
    <button class="btn btn-proceed1"  tabindex="7"  ng-disabled="customerDetailsForm.$invalid" ng-click="registerAppCtrl.fadeProceed('tab1', 'tab2');" style="position: fixed;" >Proceed</button>

Answer №1

To reserve space, you can utilize an additional <p> element by employing ng-hide and visibility:hidden;:

<div class="error-help">
    <p ng-if="customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$invalid &&!customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$pristine" >Phone number is required</p>

    <p style="visibility:hidden;" ng-hide="customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$invalid &&!customerDetailsForm.userPhoneNo.$pristine" >Phone number is required</p>


Answer №2

One alternative solution I recommend is to use ng-class in place of ng-if. By assigning a specific class, such as hidden, based on certain conditions, you can control the visibility of elements. Define the style for the hidden class in your CSS like this:

.hidden {
    display: none;

Answer №3

was able to accomplish this by leveraging the [ngStyle] directive

[ngStyle]="{'display': showElement ? 'block' : 'none'}"

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