Ensure consistency in CSS3 background color transitions

There are multiple elements on the webpage with background transitions that change from one color to another:

@-moz-keyframes backgroundTransition /* Firefox */ {
    0%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}
    33%   {background-color:#7fceff;}
    66%   {background-color:#80e880;}
    100%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}
@-webkit-keyframes backgroundTransition /* Safari and Chrome */{
    0%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}
    33%   {background-color:#7fceff;}
    66%   {background-color:#80e880;}
    100%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}

However, if an element is hidden using display: none and later revealed via JavaScript, its transition color does not match the other elements and begins the loop from the initial color.

Is there a way to make the transition consistent for all elements? Your input is appreciated.

Answer №1

If you haven't already, try hiding the elements by setting their opacity:0 and then changing it to 1 to show them again. This way, the background color will smoothly transition along with all the other elements while keeping the element invisible.

By the way, the keyframes CSS directive is now widely supported by major browsers, eliminating the need for vendor prefixes.

document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click", function(){
div {
  border:1px solid black;
  animation-duration: 8s;
  animation-name: backgroundTransition;

/* The hidden elements will not take up space in the
   normal document flow and will not be visible because
   they will be 100% transparent. Removing this
   class when needed reveals the element(s) and brings
   them back into the normal flow with a background color
   matching the other div elements. */
.hidden { opacity:0; position:absolute; }

@keyframes backgroundTransition{
0%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}
  33%   {background-color:#7fceff;}
  66%   {background-color:#80e880;}
  100%   {background-color:#ff7b7b;}
<div class="hidden"></div>

<button>Click during the animation to reveal the hidden div,<br>which syncs its color with the other div elements</button>

Answer №2

It might be challenging to manage this using the visibility css attribute, or you may not able to do so because it always starts from zero whenever it is rendered.

Answer №3

Animations failed to apply to an element that was not being displayed by the browser, but they work when the element is 'hidden' ;) Consider using a different method to hide your element:

opacity: 0

height:0; width:0;

z-index: <val>

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