Enhancing unique designs

After searching for a background pattern, I stumbled upon this unique design.

Currently, I have it as the backdrop for my website.

The issue arises from the fact that this pattern doesn't seamlessly repeat.

When I set it as the body background using the provided CSS, there are noticeable seams where the image starts anew.

body {
    background:url(../images/testbackground.jpg) repeat;

To address this flaw, I edited the photo by flipping and rotating it to create a larger, seamless version which can be found here. The result is visually appealing on the site despite some minor mirrored seams.

However, my concern lies in optimizing load speeds, especially for users with slower internet connections. Having a background that is four times its ideal size does not align with my goals.

Is there a method to rotate or flip the image using code instead of resorting to complex jQuery or JavaScript scripts?

If anyone is aware of a script that offers this functionality, please share your insights.

For reference, here is an example of how the rotation should be applied:

Answer №1

While I may not have a solution that includes flipping and rotating, I have successfully made your background repeatable :)

By removing the offending pixels from the right side, the background now has a more seamless appearance.

Additionally, I want to highlight that the picture itself is already repeating, allowing for further cropping to create a smaller size with similar background continuity.

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