Enhancing this testimonial slider with captivating animations

I have designed a testimonial slider with CSS3 and now I am looking to enhance it by adding some animation using Jquery. However, I am not sure how to integrate Jquery with this slider or which plugins would work best for this purpose. Can anyone provide guidance on how to incorporate animation into my slider?

Any suggestions or ideas would be highly valued.

Thank you in advance.

If needed, here is the link to the code for the slider: jsfiddle.net/XJVYj/82

Answer №1

It may be challenging to find a Plugin that perfectly aligns with your code. However, I am capable of coding the jQuery components for you. In doing so, I have a couple of questions:

  1. To what extent can I modify the CSS? Should it still function without JavaScript enabled?
  2. Will you be sticking with three items in the future, or do you anticipate dynamically changing the number of slides?


The solution is now operational. While not the most elegant, I aimed to minimize alterations to your existing code. I simply adjusted two of your CSS selectors (with the old ones commented out). It's worth noting that this approach allows your previous method to still work if JavaScript is disabled. Below is the jQuery code snippet...

$("div.one").css({"left":0, "opacity":1});
$("div.two").css({"left":300, "opacity":1});
$("div.three").css({"left":600, "opacity":1});





I hope this proves helpful.

PS: For a more streamlined solution, consider reevaluating your approach. One option is consolidating all sliders within a wrapper and moving only the wrapper as needed.

Answer №2

Consider incorporating these options:

  1. Flex Slider
  2. Timelinr
  3. SmartGallery
  4. Skitter

Answer №3

The script file contains detailed documentation with various options available for use:

$.tiny.carousel = {
        options: {  
            start: 1, // initial carousel position
            display: 1, // number of blocks to move at a time
            axis: 'x', // horizontal or vertical scroller ( x || y )
            controls: true, // display navigation buttons
            pager: false, // show page number navigation
            interval: false, // automatically move to the next block
            intervaltime: 3000, // interval time in milliseconds
            rewind: false, // play in reverse after reaching the last slide
            animation: true, // animate transition between blocks
            duration: 1000, // animation speed in ms
            callback: null // function executed after each movement

Specifically highlighted is:

animation: true, // false is instant, true is animate

To enable animation when calling the slider on your element, set the animation parameter to true (script code not provided for editing):

$('YOUR_SLIDER').tinycarousel({ animation: true });​

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