Enhancing React Flow to provide updated selection and hover functionality

After diving into react flow, I found it to be quite user-friendly. However, I've hit a roadblock while attempting to update the styles of a selected node. My current workaround involves using useState to modify the style object for a specific Id. Is there a more efficient way to apply styling to selected/focused nodes using the style prop?

const nodeStyle = {
  padding: '0.7rem',
  height: '7rem',
  width: '12rem',
  borderColor: '#868DA0',
  borderRadius: '3px',
  '&:focus': {                 <----doesn't work
    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    color: 'blue',
    padding: '5rem',
    borderRadius: '7px',

export default function Flow({ items, itemConnections }: FlowProps) {
  const nodes = items.map(({ id, x_position, y_position, name }) => ({
    data: {
      label: name
    position: { x: x_position, y: y_position },
    style: nodeStyle,           <------- Styles passed in here
  return (
      {items.length === 0 ? (
        <EmptyFlowBox />
      ) : (
        <ReactFlow elements={[...nodes, ...itemConnections]}>
          <Controls />

Answer №1

A custom style was developed specifically for application in React Flow.

const customReactFlowStyle = {
    background: "#e8ecef",
    "& .react-flow__node": {
      "&:hover": {
        boxShadow: "0 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 5px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.25)",

This style was then utilized on a grid component (using MUI).

            <Grid item xs={12} height="80vh" sx={customReactFlowStyle}>
                  connectionLineType={"smoothstep" as ConnectionLineType}

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