Enhancing React components with customized features through the use of mixins in material-ui

I'm currently working on customizing a textfield component in Material-ui using React.

Based on the details provided on this page:

To personalize the colors of different parts of the text-field, you can utilize various mixins. It's recommended to apply these mixins within CSS selectors like .foo-text-field:not(.mdc-text-field--focused) for unfocused text fields, and .foo-text-field.mdc-text-field--focused for focused ones. If you want to modify the invalid state of your text fields, implement these mixins with CSS selectors such as .foo-text-field.mdc-text-field--invalid.

I attempted to use this mixin to alter the border color:

mdc-text-field-outline-color($color): Customizes the border color of the outlined text field.

Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to actually use it. I have installed scss, but I don't fully comprehend the syntax for setting the color to red using scss.

@mixin mdc-text-field-outline-color($color) {


It seems like I need to start with something like this, but I could really use a specific example to guide me forward.

Answer №1

This method can be quite helpful. You have the option to pass colors in the form of a map. Alternatively, you can pass a single color and utilize the darken and lighten functions based on your preference for passing property values.

Illustrative Example

@mixin mdc-text-field-outline-color() {
  & {
    &.mdc-text-field--focused {
      border-color: blue;
    &.mdc-text-field--invalid {
      border-color: gray;
    &:not(.mdc-text-field--focused) {
      border-color: black;

.foo-text-field {
  @include mdc-text-field-outline-color();
  border-width: 2px;
  border-style: solid;

Demonstrative Illustration

@mixin mdc-text-field-outline-color($color) {
  & {
    &:not(.mdc-text-field--focused) {
      border-color: #{$color};
    &.mdc-text-field--focused {
      border-color: darken($color, 20%);
    &.mdc-text-field--invalid {
      border-color: lighten($color, 20%);

.foo-text-field {
  @include mdc-text-field-outline-color(#C4C4);
  border-width: 2px;
  border-style: solid;

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