Enhancing elements with fade-in effects upon hovering

Is there a way to incorporate a subtle fade in/fade out effect when hovering over items on this webpage: http://jsfiddle.net/7vKFN/

I'm curious about the best approach to achieve this using jQuery.

 var $container = $("#color-container"),
            $description = $(".color-description", $container).hide(),
        $(".color-units li", $container).mouseenter(function() {
            if ($prev)
               $description.eq( $prev.removeClass("active").index() ).hide();
            $description.eq( ($prev = $(this).addClass("active")).index() ).show();

Answer №1

Does this capture your intended meaning?


$(".color-units li", $container).mouseenter(function() {
    if ($prev)
       $description.eq( $prev.removeClass("active").index() ).hide();
    $description.eq( ($prev = $(this).addClass("active")).index() ).fadeIn("slow", function() {
    // Animation complete


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