"Enhancing CSS width using jQuery: A concise guide to increasing the current width with

I have a project involving a meter that changes based on decision outcomes.

To achieve this, I am adjusting the width percentage using jQuery and CSS.

Currently, I can set it to a specific percent, but I need help in adding or subtracting a percentage from the current value.

Any suggestions on how to do this?

This is my code snippet:

        $("#meter").css("width", "40%");

Here's my HTML setup:

<div id="fanHappiness">

<h4 class="white">Fan Happiness:</h4>

<div id="meter">

    <h4 class="white fan-percent">50%</h4>


Thank you for any assistance.


While the following code somewhat works, it only adjusts the number relative to the original value. For instance, adding 25 then subtracting 25 from the original 50 results in 25 instead of 50. Storing the value in a variable after retrieving it from the CSS might resolve this issue.

        $("#meter").width($("#meter").width() + 25);
        $(".fan-percent").text($(".fan-percent").width() + 25 + "%");

Answer №1

Here is a simple solution for your problem:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var percentage = "40%";  
    $("#meter").css("width", percentage);

function increaseHappiness(){
    var currentPercentage = $("#meter")[0].style.width.slice(0, -1);
    newPercentage = +currentPercentage + 10;
    $("#meter").css("width", newPercentage + "%");
    $(".fan-percent").text(newPercentage + "%");

Check out the code in action on JsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/dnyseaen/1/

Answer №2

If you use $("#meter").css("width"), it will give you the percentage value. To make changes, you can split this value using "/", then adjust the isolated number as needed. After that, update both the css and text accordingly. If you require further clarification or would like to see a code example, feel free to reach out.

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