Enhancing Accessibility of the 'Return to Top' Link

Currently, I am designing a web page that requires users to scroll extensively.

To enhance the user experience, I have included a back-to-top link at the bottom of the page for easy navigation back to the top.

This is the HTML markup I have implemented:

<a class="btn-primary" href="#top">
<span class="btn-content link-content">
<svg focusable="false"><use xlink:href="#arrow-upward"></use></svg>

I'm looking for ways to make this link more accessible. So far, I've considered adding aria-label, but I'm open to other suggestions.

Answer №1

To start off, ensure that your component is user-friendly by following the Back-to-Top Button Design Guidelines provided by NNg. This sets a strong foundation for accessibility. Special thanks to @outis for the suggestion.

When implementing a Back to Top component, it's important to consider various accessibility factors.

Creating an Accessible Name

Every interactive element should have an accessible name that not only aids screen reader users but also helps voice control users identify the button. Providing descriptive alternative text is essential.

Adding Text for Sighted Users

In addition to alternative text, consider adding a tooltip with the title attribute for sighted users. However, do not rely solely on tooltips for accessibility as screen readers may not interpret them accurately.

It's even better to have the text visibly present for all users, as some individuals may struggle with interpreting icons alone.

Make sure that the visible text is included in the accessible name (alt text) and add role="presentation" to the SVG if there is accompanying text next to it.

This example from the GOV.UK Design System Guidelines demonstrates their commitment to accessibility by placing the component before the footer on lengthy pages.

Checking Contrast

Verify that the icon and text contrast against the background meets the recommended 4.5:1 ratio or higher, considering color combinations specified in your CSS.

Avoiding Icon-Fonts

Avoid using icon-fonts as they can cause issues for users with reading disorders who customize font settings. Opt for other solutions that provide clear visuals.

Animating Scroll Responsibly

When incorporating animated scroll effects, such as smooth scrolling, proceed with caution to prevent discomfort for users sensitive to motion animations. Consider the user's preferences regarding reduced motion.

Ensuring Focus

Place the back-to-top button in the tab order near the footer, ensuring it remains visible at all times. Make keyboard focus indicators clearly visible for interactive elements to assist keyboard users in navigation.

If the button disappears when reaching the top of the page, redirect focus elsewhere to avoid losing focus entirely.

Following WCAG Guidelines

Refer to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for additional criteria that may apply to your component. Conduct audits using tools like the WCAG-EM Report Tool to ensure compliance with accessibility standards mandated in many regions.

Answer №2

Another way to enhance your anchor tag is by including the Title attribute

<a class="btn-secondary" href="#start" title="jump to beginning of content">

Answer №3

When creating in-page navigation links, it is essential to consider the needs of screen reader users. Ensuring that these users understand the purpose of the link can be achieved by using an aria-label attribute with a descriptive value like 'Go to top' or 'Back to top'. Additionally, the content of the link should be hidden from the screen reader, usually done through aria-hidden='true' (with some exceptions).

Another important aspect to keep in mind is focus handling. In many browsers, if an href with an invalid id (e.g., #Element's_ID) is used, the page will scroll back to the top, affecting screen reader and keyboard users. This can lead to unexpected page scrolling when the Tab key is pressed after the page has been scrolled up.

For a practical example of implementing accessibility best practices, you can refer to the W3C patterns page at https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/.

We hope this information aids you in your journey towards creating more accessible web experiences. The world of accessibility welcomes all individuals interested in making digital content inclusive for everyone.

    <body id="top">
      <a class="btn-primary" aria-label="Back to top" href="#top">...

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