Enhancing a Class using Jquery

It might sound strange, but I have a full URL as a class for some of my HTML elements. Obviously, this doesn't work for CSS purposes. What I want to achieve is to remove everything except the page slug. Here's an example of what I currently have:

<li class="menu-item http://example.com/page-link/">some code</li>

What I would like in terms of HTML output is this:

<li class="menu-item page-link">some code</li>

I thought about using the .replace method to get rid of "http://example.com/", but I'm unsure how to remove the trailing slash and the beginning of the URL. Here's my idea:

var strclass = $(li[class*=http://example.com/]).attr('class').match(/\bhttp://example.com/.+?\b/);
var newclass = strclass.replace("http://example.com/", "").replace("/", "");

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. If the code above seems off-track, please point me in the right direction with helpful resources.

******I'm exploring new methods and seeking additional feedback!******

This is the updated code that combines some great suggestions:

if(li.hasClass('menu-item')) {
   var strclass = $('li.menu-item').attr('class');
   var newclass = strclass.split(" ")[1].split("/")[3];
   $(".menu-item").removeClass("http://example.com/" + strclass + "/").addClass(newclass);

The problem I am encountering now lies in the third line within the if statement where I try to replace the old class with the full URL with the new class containing only the page slug. If anyone has a solution or alternative approach, please share. Thank you all for your efforts and quick responses!

Answer №1

This code snippet accomplishes the task at hand:

var elements = document.querySelectorAll("li.menu-item");
alert(elements.length + " items with classes that require modification have been found.");

for(var i = 0 ; i < elements.length; ++i){
   var classes = elements[i].className.split(" ");
   elements[i].className = classes[0] + " " + classes[1].split("/")[3];
   alert("The new class attribute value is: " + elements[i].className);
.menu-item { font-family:Arial; font-size:1.5em; }
.page-link { background-color: red; }
.something {background-color: green;}
.go-somewhere {background-color: yellow; }
<li class="menu-item http://example.com/page-link/">some code</li>
<li class="menu-item http://example.com/something/">some code</li>
<li class="http://example.com/go-somewhere/">some code</li>
<li class="menu-item http://example.com/go-somewhere/">some code</li>

Answer №2

let originalString = "menu-item http://example.com/page-link/";
let newString = originalString.replace("http\:\/\/.+\/(.+)\/", "$1");

It might not address all your issues, but it seems like you're being too specific. Try using a more general pattern to replace that portion of the class string.

If you prefer a less greedy approach, only extracting the last folder:

let newString = originalString.replace("http\:\/\/.+\/([^\/]+)\/", "$1");

Answer №3

One way to create an array is by using forward slashes:

const words = sentence.split("/");

Next, you can find the specific word that represents either the end or second-to-last item in the array, depending on whether there is a closing slash.

if (words[words.length - 1]) {
  chosenWord = words[words.length - 1];
} else {
  chosenWord = words[words.length - 2];

Answer №4

If I were to handle this situation, I would utilize a regex pattern within a replace function like so: /.*?([^/]+)\/?$/

  var pattern = new RegExp('^https?://');
  var classes = this.className.split(' ');
  for(var i = 0, len = classes.length; i < len; i++) {
    if(pattern.test(classes[i])) {
      classes[i] = classes[i].replace(/.*?([^/]+)\/?$/, '$1');
  this.className = classes.join(' ');
.page-link {color: green;}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<li class="menu-item http://example.com/page-link/">some code</li>
<li class="menu-item http://example.com/page-link/">some code</li>
<li class="menu-item http://example.com/page-link/">some code</li>

It is important to note that the regex in my solution accounts for both http and https protocols (excluding the //example.com/whatever/ syntax and relative urls), whereas the jQuery selector specifically targets only the http linked list items. It may be beneficial to create a separate class designation for this behavior, such as linked-list-item or a similar identifier.

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