I am using the asp:Menu and the popout image is enabled by default, however I actually like it. The issue is that after modifying the background and foreground of the menu, the popout image arrow blends in with the background. Is there a way to change these settings? If so, how should I proceed?
Is there a CSS tag that could help me with this?
Thank you
The markup language appears as follows:
<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a class="ctl00_TopNavigation_1 TopNavItem ctl00_TopNavigation_3" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$TopNavigation','Material')" style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">Material</a></td><td style="width:0;"><img src="/ASP%20Test%20WebApp/WebResource.axd?d=nNpXA-tgytzmQJwzxJnoSKNU-6BcLlO3wOo_dawXyOs1&t=634050991608503994" alt="Material dropdown" style="border-style:none;vertical-align:middle;" /></td>
So I am unsure what to do :s