"Enhance Your Website Navigation with ASP.NET Menu Image PopOut using

I am using the asp:Menu and the popout image is enabled by default, however I actually like it. The issue is that after modifying the background and foreground of the menu, the popout image arrow blends in with the background. Is there a way to change these settings? If so, how should I proceed?

Is there a CSS tag that could help me with this?

Thank you


The markup language appears as follows:

<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><a class="ctl00_TopNavigation_1 TopNavItem ctl00_TopNavigation_3" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$TopNavigation','Material')" style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;">Material</a></td><td style="width:0;"><img src="/ASP%20Test%20WebApp/WebResource.axd?d=nNpXA-tgytzmQJwzxJnoSKNU-6BcLlO3wOo_dawXyOs1&amp;t=634050991608503994" alt="Material dropdown" style="border-style:none;vertical-align:middle;" /></td>

So I am unsure what to do :s

Answer №1

If you're working on the code-behind, you have the ability to execute something similar to this:

MenuObject.StaticPopOutImageUrl = "/path/to/your/image";

Alternatively, if you're not interested in having an image, you can use:

MenuObject.StaticPopOutImageUrl = "about:blank";

update - here's a more effective approach:

MenuObject.staticEnableDefaultPopOutImage= False

Answer №2

Investigate the page's source code to uncover hidden elements. Search for the menu within the source code.

Look for the markup responsible for displaying the popup image. If you're unable to locate it, check for any CSS classes on the parent element.

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