Enhance your webpage's body by zooming in using jQuery on Mozilla Firefox

I have a webpage and I would like to zoom its body when it loads using jQuery. However, the CSS zoom feature is not working in Mozilla Firefox. This is what I currently am using:

$("body").css("zoom", "1.05");

It worked in Chrome, Opera, and Edge, but unfortunately not in Firefox.

Since the zoom CSS property doesn't work in Mozilla, I tried this instead:


But it also didn't work. Any help or solution you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Here is a different answer specifically tailored for the latest web browsers

  'transform'                : 'scale(1.05)',
  'transform-origin'         : '0 0',
  '-moz-transform-origin'    : '0 0',         /*Firefox*/
  '-ms-transform-origin'     : '0 0',         /*IE*/
  '-webkit-transform-origin' : '0 0',         /*Opera/Safari*/
  '-moz-transform'           : 'scale(1.05)', /*Firefox*/
  '-ms-transform'            : 'scale(1.05)', /*IE*/
  '-webkit-transform'        : 'scale(1.05)'  /*Opera/Safari*/

Keep in mind: You can also utilize the CSS zoom property as demonstrated above.

Answer №2

Give this a shot

<script type="text/javascript">
        function magnify() {
            document.body.style.zoom = "50%" 

<body onload="magnify()">

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