"Enhance Your Webpage with Textual Links that Display Background

A div with a background image is causing issues when links are placed on top of it. The links do not display the underline when hovering over them, unlike other links on the page.

Below is the code snippet causing the problem:

<div style="min-height:200px;">
  <div class="backgroundImg"
      style="background: url(/my/url.png) no-repeat; height:140px; width: 140px;position: absolute;>
  <div style="z-index:30">
    <a href="#">My link here</a>

Apologies for any language barriers in my explanation. The issue should be clear despite this. Thank you for your understanding.

Regards, Danilo


I discovered the error - the "absolute" property must be used in both divs for z-index to work properly.

Thank you for the helpful suggestions! ;-)

Answer №1

Challenging to comprehend, but I'll give it a shot:

1) To address the issue of links appearing above the div with background, consider adjusting the z-index or adding padding to the link in order to push the div down and reveal the underline.

2) If you desire a list to be displayed over an image background, place the list inside the div with the background.

Answer №2

After some investigation, I discovered that the issue arises when "absolute" positioning is not applied to both div elements; this prevents z-index from functioning correctly.

Appreciate the helpful suggestions! ;-)

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