Enhance User Interaction by Making HTML Elements Clickable on Top of Three.js Render

I'm currently working on an animation project using Three.js that involves moving objects. In this animation, I've created a text bubble that appears when an object is clicked, along with an "X" button to close it. However, I'm facing an issue where if the X button overlaps with a 3D object, the button gets ignored and the 3D object gets clicked instead. How can I ensure that the HTML content always takes priority over the 3D objects?

Raycasting is being used to detect clicks on the 3D objects. Despite attempting to set a higher z-order for the button, it hasn't resolved the problem. It's important to note that visually, the HTML content is positioned on top of the 3D objects.

Furthermore, it would be ideal if clicking within the text bubble doesn't register as a click on any object beneath it.

Edit: Here's a simplified version of the code I'm using for the onclick function (which works for my 3D objects). I've also separately bound a specific onclick function to the problematic button.

document.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
    raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
    const hits = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children);
    if(hits.length > 0) {
        ---do stuff---
    renderer.render(scene, camera);

Answer №1

Implementing this in react was simple for me using only the z-index property for the clickable elements. However, if this doesn't yield the desired results, you may want to consider applying pointer-events: none; to your 3D render. You can view a screen capture of this in action here: . The webGL globe is created using three.js within a react environment and spans the entire width of the active area where the links are positioned on top.

The outer container is styled with position: relative;...the links reside within a div that has

position: absolute; z-index: 1000;
, while the three.js earth render is placed as the final div within the same container.

Answer №2

Refer to the top solution in this URL: How do I prevent a THREE.js raycast from hitting HTML elements?

This method worked flawlessly for my situation.

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