Enhance this piece of code with JavaScript features

I recently implemented a scrolling script on my website that I found at this link: http://blog.waiyanlin.net/example/jquery/flyingtext.html. However, the animation currently scrolls from left to right and I would like it to scroll from right to left instead. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

To achieve a right-aligned text, simply replace marginLeft with marginRight in the CSS code.

For an illustration of this in action, check out this example: http://jsfiddle.net/DkRRw/

Answer №2

To update your code, simply replace all instances of Left with Right within the document.ready() function in JavaScript.

Answer №3

According to BondyThegreat's observation, it is necessary to switch the positions of Left and Right in the script. Additionally, a modification needs to be made to the style sheet.


    $('.container .flying-text').css({opacity:0});
    $('.container .active-text').animate({opacity:1, marginRight: "350px"}, 4000);

    var int = setInterval(changeText, 5000);    

function changeText(){

    var $activeText = $(".container .active-text"); 

    var $nextText = $activeText.next(); 
    if($activeText.next().length == 0) $nextText = $('.container .flying-text:first');

    $activeText.animate({opacity:0}, 1000);
    $activeText.animate({marginRight: "-100px"});

    $nextText.css({opacity: 0}).addClass('active-text').animate({opacity:1, marginRight: "350px"}, 4000, function(){


Please make the following update to the style sheet:


Answer №4

If you have observed this animated effect, it involves animating the left-margin of text from 0 to a specific number of pixels.

To achieve the desired animation effect towards the right side, you can use set marginRight in the script instead of marginLeft.

UPDATE: In addition to the script changes mentioned above, don't forget to adjust the CSS code as follows:

    //Remove this: margin-left:-100px;

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