"Enhance readability by adjusting the font size on mobile devices and iPhones for an

I'm currently working on a website that needs to maintain a consistent look across all types of devices, including laptops, PCs, iPads, iPhones, and other smartphones.

To achieve this, I've implemented fittext.js, a pure JavaScript solution that adjusts the font size based on the user's screen resolution. However, I've noticed that the font sizes appear too small on iPhones and some other smartphones.

How can I increase the font size specifically for iPhones and other smartphones?

Here is the JavaScript code I am utilizing:


  var css = function (el, prop) {
    return window.getComputedStyle ? getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(prop) : el.currentStyle[prop];

  var addEvent = function (el, type, fn) {
    if (el.addEventListener)
      el.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
            el.attachEvent('on'+type, fn);

  window.fitText = function (el, kompressor) {

    var settings = {
      'minFontSize' : -1/0,
      'maxFontSize' : 1/0

    var fit = function (el) {
      var compressor = kompressor || 1;

      var resizer = function () {
        el.style.fontSize = Math.max(Math.min(el.clientWidth / (compressor*10), parseFloat(settings.maxFontSize)), parseFloat(settings.minFontSize)) + 'px';

      // Call once to set.

      // Bind events
      // If you have any js library which support Events, replace this part
      // and remove addEvent function (or use original jQuery version)
      addEvent(window, 'resize', resizer);

    if (el.length)
      for(var i=0; i<el.length; i++)

    // return set of elements
    return el;

In my HTML page, I have included the following script:

<script src="fittext.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  fitText(document.getElementById('fittext'), 2.9)

Answer №1

According to Fittext's recommendation, it is advised not to use it for large paragraphs of text. When designing for mobile sites, always make sure to set a mobile viewport and consider using media queries to adjust font sizes for smaller devices.

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