Encountering numerous challenges while attempting to create a switch theme button with the help of JavaScript's localStorage and CSS variables

It's frustrating that despite all my efforts, I'm still stuck on implementing a small feature for the past 5-6 hours. I need assistance with storing a single variable in the user's localStorage, initially set to 1. When the user clicks a button, the localStorage value switches between 0 and 1, toggling between light and dark mode on the website. The code for the button can be found in the second try or my previous StackOverflow post.

Here are some of my attempts at implementation:

Code working without local storage, initial value 0:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8>
    ... (remaining code)


... (more content) The original idea was: A CSS variable is set to 1 initially and should change to 0 on button click. Even after refreshing the page, it should remain at 0. Thanks.


Integration of solution into project:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8>
    ... (updated content)


Answer №1

It seems like brushing up on your JavaScript skills might be beneficial, especially considering the syntax errors present.

Consider checking out these resources for further learning:

  1. JavaScript Reference
  2. Learn JS at freecodecamp.org
  3. Learn JS at Codecademy
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      :root {
        --numvar: 0;

      html {
        filter: invert(var(--numvar));


    <button id="res" onclick="change()">hi</button>
      if (!localStorage.getItem('thisvarisgood')) {
         localStorage.setItem("thisvarisgood", "1")

      function change() {
        if (localStorage.getItem('thisvarisgood') == '1') {
          localStorage.setItem("thisvarisgood", '0')
        } else {
          localStorage.setItem("thisvarisgood", '1')

        var num = Number(localStorage.getItem('thisvarisgood'));
        let root = document.documentElement;
        root.style.setProperty("--numvar", num);
      var num = Number(localStorage.getItem('thisvarisgood'));
      let root = document.documentElement;
      root.style.setProperty("--numvar", num);



Answer №2

The main issue with the recent attempt is that the variable was defined as "thisvarisgood" but accessed as "thisvarisgud."

To fix this, you should adjust how the CSS is modified. The script itself cannot handle this task since it only runs once. Instead, make sure to set the style within the function that updates the local storage value and also on page load.

Additionally, the other response has already provided a solution for you by correcting the localStorage variable name and setting the style within the function (lines 35-37). The styling for "on page load" can be found in lines 40-41.

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