encountering difficulties when inserting a div in between slick.js slides

Incorporating slick.js with Angular, I am facing a challenge in adding a custom div with a dashed border after each image in my slick slider. This div should be positioned between the gaps of two slides. The slick slider is implemented with vertical scrolling, as shown below:


(P.S. The above image illustrates a slider set up in a vertical format. As I do not have access to a picture editing tool on Linux, I rotated an image from the slick website vertically to showcase my objective)

The black dotted lines in the image represent a custom div with a black border, resembling what is described in the image below once perfectly placed between the gaps of two slides:


I am struggling to find a way to attach this border with its unique styling preferences.

My Code:


<!--slider image container-->
<div #slick class="mySlider" id="images">
  <div class="item image-container" *ngFor="let data of serverData; let ind = index;"
    <img (load)="imageLoaded($event.target)"
         src="{{ data['imageUrl'] }}"
         class="img-fluid target slick-img"
         [ngStyle]="{'zoom': zoom}"
         alt="image container"
    <!-- dashed ruler after every image slide -->
    <hr class="dashed-line">


  private slickSetting = {
    slidesToScroll: 1,
    slidesToShow: 1,
    centerMode: true,
    centerPadding: '50px',
    arrows: false,
    dots: false,
    vertical: true,
    verticalSwiping: false,
    draggable: false,

  private getSlick(): any{
    return $(this.slick.nativeElement);

  private initializeSlick() {
    let slickElement = this.getSlick();

What I Tried?

I have explored the documentation for slick and extensively searched on Google, but have been unable to find a satisfactory solution to this issue.

I also attempted using CSS by assigning the parent class position: relative and setting the dashed line div to position: absolute, but these methods did not work. Is there an effective approach for achieving this?

Why I am doing this?

The intention here is not just to implement a dashed border, but to insert a custom div between two slides of a slider. This custom div can be styled with borders, and I plan to incorporate additional functionalities in the future when users interact with the div.


I tried MaxiGui's solution mentioned below and managed to display the dashed div beside my image, as shown in this snapshot:


However, I aim to position this div at the bottom (in the gap between all images) of the vertical scroll slider.

Answer is below

If you are encountering a similar difficulty, refer to the initial answer followed by my solution which includes adjustments based on the preceding response.

Answer №1

After analyzing your image, I recommend applying borders directly to your images-container and adding a rotation to your main container

  border-right-style: dashed;
  margin-right: 10px;
  padding-right: 10px;
  max-width: 150px;
<div #slick class="mySlider" id="images">
  <div class="item image-container" *ngFor="let data of serverData; let ind = index;"
    <img (load)="imageLoaded($event.target)"
         class="img-fluid target slick-img"
         [ngStyle]="{'zoom': zoom}"
         alt="image container"
    <!-- dashed ruler after every image slide -->
  <div class="item image-container" *ngFor="let data of serverData; let ind = index;"
    <img (load)="imageLoaded($event.target)"
         class="img-fluid target slick-img"
         [ngStyle]="{'zoom': zoom}"
         alt="image container"


Utilize the dashed style for div elements adjacent to the img:


  border-right: 3px dashed black;
  margin-right: 10px;
  padding-right: 10px;
  max-width: 150px;
<div #slick class="mySlider" id="images">
  <div class="item image-container" *ngFor="let data of serverData; let ind = index;"
    <img (load)="imageLoaded($event.target)"
         class="img-fluid target slick-img"
         [ngStyle]="{'zoom': zoom}"
         alt="image container"
    <!-- dashed ruler after every image slide -->
    <div class="width-dashed"></div>

  <div class="item image-container" *ngFor="let data of serverData; let ind = index;"
    <img (load)="imageLoaded($event.target)"
         class="img-fluid target slick-img"
         [ngStyle]="{'zoom': zoom}"
         alt="image container"
      <!-- dashed ruler after every image slide -->
    <div class="width-dashed"></div>

Answer №2

Thank you to MaxiGui for the helpful solution provided above, which enabled me to make necessary adjustments and resolve the issue I was facing. For anyone encountering a similar problem, here are the fixes that worked for me:

To achieve the desired result, I simply added an absolute position attribute to the dashed line element, along with setting its width to 100%. Additionally, I removed the position: relative from the image container and replaced it with unset.

  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  margin-top: -16px;
  border-bottom: 3px dashed #434343;

/* image container related */
.image-container {
  width: 90% !important;
  display: flex !important;
  position: unset !important;
  justify-content: center;

With these changes, I was successfully able to align the custom div with border styling between two slides using Slick.js.

Here is the final layout (border color customization pending):


A big thank you to MaxiGui for the guidance and support!

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