Encountering difficulties in running bootstrap on nodejs

As a beginner in node.js and bootstrap, I am eager to create my own personal website, so I found some tutorials to help me get started.

After downloading bootstrap 2.0.2 and unzipping it, I organized the files by placing bootstrap and bootstrap-responsive in the stylesheets folder of my project, and bootstrap.js and jquery.js in the javascripts folder. Following the instructions, I made changes to the index.jade and layout.jade as shown below:

**layout jade:**
$<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  <title><%= title %> - Microblog</title>
  <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/bootstrap.css' />
  <style type="text/css">
   body {
    padding-top: 60px;
    padding-bottom: 40px;
  <link href="stylesheets/bootstrap-responsive.css" rel="stylesheet">

   <div class="hero-unit">
   <h1>Welcome to Microblog</h1>
   <p>Microblog is a microblogging system based on Node.js.</p>
   <a class="btn btn-primary btn-large" href="/login">Login</a>
   <a class="btn btn-large" href="/reg">Register Now</a>
   <div class="row">
   <div class="span4"> 
   <h2>Carbo says</h2>
   <p>The east wind breaks the early plum blossoms. <br>Only one branch blossoms towards warmth; alone, it's seen. <br>Spring comes from above, unseen by men.</p>
   <div class="span4">
   <h2>BYVoid says</h2>
   Open Chinese Convert (OpenCC) is an open-source Chinese simplification project, dedicated to creating high-quality statistical-based Simplified-Chinese character conversion wordlists. <br>They also provide a function library (libopencc), a command line simplification tool, manual proofreading tools, dictionary generation programs, online conversion services, and a graphical user interface.</p>
   <div class="span4">
   <h2>佛振 says</h2>
   <p>The Middle Chinese Rhyme input method engine / Rime Input Method Engine is inspired by the historical Middle Chinese Rhyme, aiming to create a classic input method that gathers the wisdom of phonology. <br>The project website can be found at http://code.google.com/p/rimeime/ <br>While creating application value is important, it is equally essential to uphold the pursuit of good technology. The goal is to write dynamic and easily scalable code, making it a unique open-source input method.</p>

Unfortunately, the layout doesn't look as expected. Can someone please point out what is wrong? I am stuck at this basic step and unsure how to proceed. Thank you!

Answer №1

  1. The formatting and structure of your code does not appear to align with the Jade markup language.
  2. It looks like you have not included links to jQuery.js and bootstrap.js in your layout.jade or index.jade files.

An example of what you might expect to see:

!!! 5
    title #{meta.title} - #{meta.author}
    link(rel="stylesheet", href="/twitter/bootstrap.css")

    script(type="text/javascript", src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js")    
    script(type="text/javascript", src="/scripts/bootstrap.min.js")

Answer №2

Hey there! Your HTML code doesn't seem to be in Jade syntax. You can easily convert it by pasting it here:

Looking for more information on Jade syntax? Check out these docs:

Just starting out with Express? Consider using Hogan as a template, which is more "html like" and is already built in (although you'll need to specify it when initializing a new project).

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