Encountering an issue while attempting to install an SSL certificate on my server. The error message displayed is: "ERROR:

Unique HTML Code:


    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="farmapp.css"> 


<body onload="loadimg()">

    <div id="sitehead"gt;
    <div class="leftsection" onclick="location.href = 'mainsite.html';">
            <img class="left-sunriseIMG" src="thumbnails/sunrise.jpg">
            <h1 class="sitetitle">FARM</h1>

        <div class="middlesection">
            <input class="search-box" type="text" placeholder="Search District">
            <label>Search using DISTRICT : </label>

            <button type="button" class="clearsearch" value="" onclick="location.href = 'mainsite.html';">x</button>
            <button type="submit" class="search-button" onclick="SearchWithDistrict()">Search</button>

    <div id="deals-box">
        <div class="about" onclick="location.href = 'About.html';">About</div>
        <div class="contact" onclick="location.href = 'contact.html';">contact</div>
        <div class="post" onclick="location.href = 'FishImageUpload.html';">Post-AD</div>
        <div class="edit" onclick="location.href = 'edit.html';">Edit-AD</div>

    <div id="cimages"></div>

    <div id="FullImageView">
        <img id="FullImage" />
        <button id="CloseButton" onclick="CloseFullView()">Close</button>

    <div id="FullDetailsView">
        <div id="ViewDetails"></div>
        <button id="DetailsCloseButton" onclick="CloseDetailsView()">Cancel</button> 

<script src="main.js"></script>


Javascript Function:

function loadimg() {

    options = {
      method: 'POST',
    fetch('https://apfarmsite.com:8000/FarmSite', options)
      .then(res => res.json())
      .then(cust_data => {  // Handling the response from the server

App.js Post Request:

app.post('/FarmSite', (req, res) => {

I encountered an issue with my API connection when making a post request, specifically when using SSL which resulted in an SSL error. This only occurs when utilizing HTTPS instead of HTTP on my server with nginx. I have already enabled full traffic access in security groups for my EC2 instance. Do I need to make any adjustments to SSL/TLS protocol settings to resolve this problem?

Answer №1

There are a multitude of reasons why this issue might be occurring. One potential solution is to update your browser and clear its cache. In some cases, antivirus software may also be the culprit - I once experienced a similar issue caused by my antivirus program and disabling it resolved the problem. Additionally, when making API calls, ensure that the method being used is 'GET'.

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