Encountering an error while trying to call a function from the datepicker.js

I encountered an issue while trying to call a function from app.js in the datepicker.js file when a button is clicked. The error message "Uncaught Reference: submitDetails is not defined" is displayed.

This error indicates that the function submitDetails is not recognized.


 clickApply: function(e) {
            this.element.trigger('apply.daterangepicker', this);



                        var k= $scope.timeRangeValue;

                        console.log('In K', k);
                        k= k.split("-");
                        console.log('sec k', k);
                        k[0]= k[0].split("/").join("-");
                        k[1]= k[1].split("/").join("-");
                        var s1 = k[0].split(" ");
                        var s2 = k[1].split(" ");
                        $scope.final1 = s1[0] + "T" + s1[1] + "Z"
                        $scope.final2 = s2[1] + "T" + s2[2] + "Z"

Answer №1

Ensuring that the scripts are loaded in the correct order is crucial for proper functioning. It's typically recommended to follow this sequence: 1. moment.js 2. daterangepicker.js 3. your script.js

Consolidating these scripts into a bundle and loading them at the bottom of the page can optimize performance. I hope this information proves helpful!

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