Encountering an error when utilizing Angular Animation with Bootstrap -> Issue arises from attempting to read properties of undefined (specifically 'box-sizing')

To access the source code of Git, visit https://github.com/codezj/exampleAppAnimation.

I recently developed a method to extract Bootstrap CSS and utilize it as CSS in Angular. However, I encountered an error while running the Angular project: Uncaught TypeError TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'box-sizing')

Here are the snippets of code that may be causing the issue:

export function getStylesFromClasses(names: string | string[],

    elementType: string="div") : {[key: string]: string | number}
        let elem = document.createElement(elementType);
        (typeof names == "string" ? [names]:names).forEach(c => elem.classList.add(c));
        let result : any;
        for (let i =0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){
            let sheet = document.styleSheets[i] as CSSStyleSheet;
            let rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules;
            console.log(rules,'rules rulesrulesrulesrules');
            for (let j =0; j< rules.length; j++){
                if(rules[j].type == CSSRule.STYLE_RULE){
                    let styleRule = rules[j] as unknown as CSSStyleSheet;
                    if ( styleRule instanceof CSSStyleRule){
                        if (elem.matches(styleRule.selectorText)){
                            for (let k = 0; k < styleRule.style.length; k++){
                                console.log(k,'k kkkkkk');

                                let index: any = styleRule.style[k]
                                console.log(styleRule.style[k],result[index],styleRule.style[index] );
                                // result[index] = styleRule.style[index];

        return result;


table.animations.ts ->

import {trigger, style, state, transition, animate, group} from "@angular/animations"
import { bindCallback } from "rxjs"
import { getStylesFromClasses } from "./animationUtils"

const commonStyles = {
    border: "black solid 4px",
    color: "white"

export const HighlightTrigger = trigger("rowHightlight",[

    // state("selected", style([commonStyles,{
    //     backgroundColor: "lightgreen",
    //     fontSize:"20px"
    // }])),
    // state("notselected", style([commonStyles,{
    //     backgroundColor: "lightsalmon",
    //     fontSize:"12px",
    //     color: "black"
    // }])),
    // state("notselected",style(getStylesFromClasses(["bg-info"]))),

    state("void", style({
        transform: "translateX(-50%)"

    transition("* => notselected", animate("200ms")),
    transition("* => selected", [animate("400ms 200ms ease-in",
                    backgroudColor: "lightblue",
                    fontSize: "25px"
                    backgroudColor: "lightcoral",
                    fontSize: "30px"
                    animate("250ms", style({
                        backgroundColor: "lightcoral",

                    animate('450ms', style({fontSize:"30px"})),


    transition("void => *", animate("500ms")),


Despite thorough output logs, I have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of the issue.

Answer №1

This error is occurring because in the following line of code:


when index = 'box-sizing', you are attempting to access this property in the undefined object result.

To resolve this issue, you can assign a value to it based on the intended use of the variable. For example:

  if ( styleRule instanceof CSSStyleRule){
        result = styleRule.style;
        if (elem.matches(styleRule.selectorText)){

Alternatively, you can initialize result as an empty array, uncomment

result[index] = styleRule.style[index];
, and place it before the console.log statement:

  let index: any = styleRule.style[k]
  result[index] = styleRule.style[index];                         
  console.log(styleRule.style[k],result[index],styleRule.style[index] );

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