Encountering a jQuery error while trying to utilize the $window.load

I have a code snippet that is functioning well when wrapped within a document ready event:

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    $('tr[data-name="background_colour"] input.wp-color-picker').each(function() {

        //this section works fine
        $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg"]').css('background-color', this.value);

        //however, this part fails due to frames not being fully loaded
        $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg"]').find('iframe').contents().find('body').css('background-color', this.value);

The background color of the tr changes successfully, but the body of the iframe remains unchanged because the iframes are dynamically created and aren't fully loaded at document ready.

To address this issue, I attempted using window.load instead:

jQuery(window).load(function($) {

    $('tr[data-name="background_colour"] input.wp-color-picker').each(function() {

        //this part functions properly
        $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg"]').css('background-color', this.value);

        //unfortunately, this fails to work as frames are still loading
        $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg"]').find('iframe').contents().find('body').css('background-color', this.value);

However, I encountered an error

Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function
on the specified line when attempting this approach:

$('tr[data-name="background_colour"] input.wp-color-picker').each(function() {

Fortunately, with the guidance from Guffa's response, I was able to modify the code accordingly for successful execution:

jQuery(window).load(function() {


        $('tr[data-name="background_colour"] input.wp-color-picker').each(function() {
            $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg']).css('background-color', this.value);

            $(this).closest('tr').siblings('tr[data-type="wysiwyg"]').find('iframe').contents().find('body').css('background-color', this.value);

Answer №1

The ready function will be called with the jQuery object as a parameter, unlike the load function.

When using the $ as a parameter for the load event handler, it will actually contain the event object instead of the jQuery object. This can lead to errors if you try to treat the event object like it is the jQuery object.

To avoid this issue, simply remove the parameter from the load event handler so that you can access the $ variable from the global scope:

jQuery(window).load(function() {

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