Encountered an error while trying to download a PDF document in React

I'm currently working on adding a button to my website portfolio that allows users to download my CV when clicked. The functionality works perfectly fine on my localhost, but after deploying it to AWS Amplify, I encountered an error. The error occurs during the AWS deployment process

Even after changing my imports from relative to absolute paths, the issue persists. The CV file is located in the root folder.

import resume from './KuroUsaResume.pdf'
import 'stylesheets/Home.css';

function Home() {
  return (
    <div className="home">


        <a href= {resume} download="KuroUsa's_Resume.pdf">
          <button className='home--download-button'>Download CV</button>

      <div className="home--body">
        <img src={me} className="logo" alt="logo" />


export default Home;

My jsconfig file:

    "compilerOptions": {
      "baseUrl": "src"
    "include": ["src"]

Answer №1

I was able to solve my issue by referring to the following helpful website

Resolving PDF download error on ReactJS in Amazon Amplify AWS

It was necessary for me to explicitly specify that a .pdf file could be redirected, as it wasn't configured by default.

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