Enclose an <img> tag within a <span> element and use jQuery to assign a class to the <span>

I am trying to wrap a specific <img> tag with a <span> element and assign a class to the <span>.

Below is the relevant code snippet:

<img id="wrapped-image" alt="" src="">

Despite my efforts, the following code does not seem to work as intended:

$( '#wrapped-image' ).wrap( '<span class="jquery-wrapped"></span>' );

Additional Details
The image in question is the smiley face icon commonly used by Jetpack for tracking purposes. It can be found on this website: . The accompanying JavaScript mentioned above is also included on the same webpage, immediately following the Jetpack smiley (you can check the page source).

Answer №1

Did you attempt to place it within $(function() {});?

    $( '#wrapped-image' ).wrap( '<span class="jquery-wrapped"></span>' );

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