It's puzzling why the required field isn't functioning as expected for dbc.Select
, but fear not, there's a workaround available to make it work.
You can implement a callback that gets triggered either when a value is selected from the dropdown menu or by utilizing dcc.Interval
to check if dropdown.value is None
. Another option is to include an empty choice in the dropdown and expand the check to
dropdown.value is None or dropdown.value == ""
in case the user chooses it. If the condition is met, then set the required attribute to true and style it with some CSS for the :required pseudo class to highlight it (e.g.
#SOME_INPUT:required {border: 1px solid red;})
You can use the following template as a reference:
select = dbc.Select(
{'label': '', 'value': ''},
{'label': 'Heated', 'value': 'Heated'},
{'label': 'Ambient', 'value': 'Ambient'},
{'label': 'N/A', 'value': 'N/A'}],
app.layout = html.Div([select])
Output("dropdown-required", "required"),
Input("dropdown-required", "value")
def set_dropdown_required(value):
res = (
True if value is None or value == ""
else False
return res
and apply some CSS styling in assets/style.css
#dropdown-required:required {
border: 1px solid red;