Employing random runtime strings for the placement of Tailwind CSS classes

Is there a way to define the position of a div using runtime data? Would setting the className string through some hook be the solution? I often encounter issues with asynchronous operations causing this type of problem.

I was hoping someone could guide me in the right direction, as it's possible that what I'm trying to achieve is not compatible with tailwind CSS:

{timeRecord.clockedTimes.map((time, index) => {
         let date = new Date(time.start);
         let topOffset = getTopOffset(date).toFixed(4);
         let stringOffset = `top-[${topOffset}%]`;
         let className = "absolute " +stringOffset+" outline outline-red-400 w-1/2 left-1/2";
         return (
                  <div className={className} >

If I extract the text displayed inside the div by rendering the stringOffset from within and eliminate the construction of the className to make it a static string with the runtime data copied and pasted, it positions correctly.

Answer №1

When using Tailwind, keep in mind that it is not generated dynamically upon rendering. If you are aware of the value before compilation, you can include it directly or utilize a function like cx to add a className. However, if you need to style dynamically, you might have to experiment with the style prop:

interface OffsetProps {
    timeDate: Date

const calculateOffset = ({ timeDate }: OffsetProps) => {
    return timeDate;

interface TimeProps {
    time: string

const ChildComponent = ({ time }: TimeProps) => {
    const date = new Date(time);
    const stringOffsetStyle = `${calculateOffset({ timeDate: date })}`;

    return (
        <div className="absolute outline outline-red-400 w-1/2 left-1/2" style={{ top: stringOffsetStyle }}>

interface RecordsProps {
    timeRecord: string[]

const ParentComponent = ({ timeRecord }: RecordsProps) => {
    return (
            {timeRecord.map((time, index) => {
                return <ChildComponent time={time} />;

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